Stability of oblate shapes in the vicinity ofN=Z=3468Se:Bands in69Seand67As

The γ-ray decay schemes of 69Se and 67As have been considerably extended using the 40Ca(32S,2pn)69Se and 40Ca(32S,αp)67As reactions at 100 MeV and 40Ca(36Ar,α2pn)69Se and 40Ca(36Ar,2αp)67As reactions at 145 MeV, with the aim of studying oblate bands arising from the strong coupling of a valence g9/2 particle (or hole) to the oblate deformed ground state band of 68Se. A new T1/2=12±2nsJπ=9/2+ isomeric bandhead was identified in 67As. A transitional quadrupole moment of Q0=2.7(6)eb was deduced for the band built on the 9/2+ isomer in 69Se, corresponding to a rigid oblate deformation of β2=0.4(1), consistent with theoretical predictions. However, it appears that the relevant oblate configurations in 69Se and 67As are not nearly so favored as they are in 68Se, and are rapidly crossed by prolate configurations that form the high spin yrast lines.