Scalable near identical image and shot detection

This paper proposes and compares two novel schemes for near duplicate image and video-shot detection. The first approach is based on global hierarchical colour histograms, using Locality Sensitive Hashing for fast retrieval. The second approach uses local feature descriptors (SIFT) and for retrieval exploits techniques used in the information retrieval community to compute approximate set intersections between documents using a min-Hash algorithm. The requirements for near-duplicate images vary according to the application, and we address two types of near duplicate definition: (i) being perceptually identical (e.g. up to noise, discretization effects, small photometric distortions etc); and (ii) being images of the same 3D scene (so allowing for viewpoint changes and partial occlusion). We define two shots to be near-duplicates if they share a large percentage of near-duplicate frames. We focus primarily on scalability to very large image and video databases, where fast query processing is necessary. Both methods are designed so that only a small amount of data need be stored for each image. In the case of near-duplicate shot detection it is shown that a weak approximation to histogram matching, consuming substantially less storage, is sufficient for good results. We demonstrate our methods on the TRECVID 2006 data set which contains approximately 165 hours of video (about 17.8M frames with 146K key frames), and also on feature films and pop videos.

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