Methoxychlor emulsion was applied at the rate of 1 lb. technical insecticide in about 10 gal. of water to 5 acre plots of alfalfa. Control of spittlebug nymphs, Philaenus leucophthalmus (L), was detd. by a count of infested stems selected at random. The data showed that methoxychlor was effective in reducing infestations 94.6%. Airplane appln. of 1 lb. of technical insecticide in 5 gal. of water was nearly as effective as ground spraying. Hay yields were detd. both by means of half-square rod samples cut and weighed in the field and the number of hay bales or loads reported by the farmer. All of the treated plots showed increased production. About a 20% increase was shown in samples cut at an early blossom stage of growth,'' Yields of about 10% increase were shown at later harvesting dates. This would suggest that spittlebug control in conjunction with early harvesting, such as is done for grass silage, may be the most economical practice.