On the design of a split ring resonator for ESR spectroscopy between 1 and 4 GHz

The construction and the design equations of a resonator for low frequency ESR spectroscopy are described. The resonator consists of a thin wall split ring which can be designed for a particular frequency by careful choice of the ring inductance and the gap capacitance. The design equations have been obtained on the basis of a very simple equivalent circuit which takes into account the resonator parameters and the coupling of the resonator with the microwave bridge. Prototypes have been built for frequencies between 1 and 4 GHz but resonators for lower or higher frequencies can be easily constructed. At a frequency of 2.1 GHz, a power level of 10 mW and using an aqueous sample a sensitivity of 8*1011 spins/Gauss has been obtained. This sensitivity compares favourably with that of an X band spectrometer in the case of aqueous samples.

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