Observations of Surgical Therapy For Gastric Ulcer

MORTALITY with medical therapy for gastric ulcer has been reported to be as high as 4.5%.2,7 Subtotal gastric resection mortality for gastric ulcer ranges from 2.5% to 4.5%, depending upon the type of patient subjected to operation.4,6,7 Medical treatment of gastric ulcer is satisfactory in 20% to 30%1,7 of the treated cases as far as permanent control of the ulcer is concerned but unfortunately subjects these patients to a 10% risk of cancer.1,3,5,7 This means that the reported mortality rate is approximately the same with the two methods, but medical management lacks aggressive therapy of the malignant ulcer in addition to its failure to control the ulcer by initial treatment in about 70% to 80% of the patients.1,7 Data This study concerns observations on 177 patients. All but 11 patients proved to have benign ulcer. Adenocarcinoma was found in the ulcer of these 11 patients.