The origin of the GTP needed for th phosphorylation of AMP in the mitochondrial matrix was investigated. When short-chain fatty acids are metabolized by hepatocytes, AMP is readily formed within the matrix by the butyryl-CoA ligase (AMP-forming) reaction (EC The rate of matrix AMP formation in rat hepatocytes was calculated from the rate of ketone-body formation. The rate of the reconversion of matrix AMP into ADP by GTP-AMP transphosphorylase is limited by the rate of supply of GTP. GTP can be formed either by succinic thiokinase (EC or by nucleoside diphosphokinase (EC The rate of the succinic thiokinase reaction was calculated from turnover of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and this was calculated from the rate of O2 consumption and ketone-body formation. The results show that nucleoside diphosphokinase can make a major contribution (up to 80%) to the supply of GTP under the test conditions.