The exine development in Illicium was investigated using transmission electron and field emission scanning electron microscopy. The protectum and procolumellae appear on protruding sites of the microspore cytoplasm in the early tetrad stage. The protectum takes the form of a reticulate pattern with perforations within the callosic wall. After dissolution of the callosic wall, the central part of muri rises to form tectal ridges. The developing tectum, shows an echinate appearance in sectional view and has perforations at both sides around each lumen. There are two kinds of columellae; those forming continuous rings around each lumen and others which are individual rods standing beneath the tectum. The present developmental study in Illicium showed that the initial simple reticulate pattern formed within the callosic wall develops into the complex reticulate exine pattern of the differentiating tectum during the free microspore stage. The tectum has an angular shape with perforations and is supported by the two kinds of columellae.