Hearing Disorders in Patients with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes mellitus

The cochlear and retrocochlear hearing function was evaluated in patients with long- and short-term insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) by means of psychoacoustic testing and auditory brain stem responses (ABR). Twenty patients with diabetic microangiopathy (median age 41 years, range 25–66 years) were examined. The median duration of their diabetes was 26 years (range 13–46 years). In addition, 19 patients without microangiopathy (median age 27 years, range 17–42 years) and with a median duration of the diabetes of 2 years (range 0–6 years) were examined. The metabolic control estimated by blood glucose concentration and glycosolated haemoglobin was identical in the two groups of IDDM patients. After correction for age and sex, no significant differences in hearing thresholds or discrimination scores were present between the two diabetic groups, or between the diabetic patients and an age- and sex-matched normal background population. In the patients with long-term IDDM, ABR produced abnormal responses in 40%, indicating the presence of diabetic encephalopathy, whereas ABR were abnormal in only 5% of the patients with short-term IDDM.