Effects on Free Recall and Recognition of Transforming Visually Presented Words and Pictures into Trace or Imagery form

The effects on free recall and recognition of transforming visually presented words and pictures was investigated. The Ss (n = 88) were asked to imagine or trace the words or pictures, and the number of items remembered was measured through free recall or recognition. There was no significant difference in items remembered as a result of tracing or imagining. Significantly more picture stimuli were remembered as opposed to words, and recognition of items was superior to free recall (p < .01). A significant interaction (p .01) indicated that picture stimuli enhanced free recall, but when the method of recollection was recognition there was no difference in performance; words and pictures were remembered equally as well. The results support previous findings and also indicate that it is important to know the method of recollection, as well as the form of the presented stimuli.

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