Regeneration of plants from protoplasts of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. ‘Maris Bard’ has been achieved from four different initial culture media (ET2, ET3, CLG, VkCLG). These media differed in their hormone, salt and sugar content. Plating efficiencies were highest in the VkCLG medium, but no correlation was found between plating efficiency and regeneration frequency (i.e. the percentage of calli producing shoots). Regeneration frequencies were high on all four media; up to 95% on ET3. Chromosome counts of up to 50 regenerants selected at random from the four treatments showed no significant differences between any of the treatments, in the proportions of plants which were euploid (48), aneuploid at the tetraploid level (48±), and aneuploid with high chromosome numbers (48+ +). Highly significant differences were present, however, between shoots which rooted quickly (predominantly euploid) and those which rooted only after transfer to a rooting medium (predominantly 48+ +). Overall more than 60% of the regenerants were normal (2n=4x=48) and this is a considerable improvement on our earlier work in this cultivar (4% normal). These findings are discussed in relation to factors affecting chromosome stability. Chromosome structural rearrangements are also described.