Die vorliegenden tierexperimentellen Ergebnisse bestätigen unsere Erfahrungen mit bioaktiven Glaskeramikimplantaten in der rekonstruktiven Mittelohrchirurgie: Schleimhaut vermag die Implantate zu überziehen, und zu knöchernen Strukturen gehen sie einen festen Verbund ein. Unsere ersten Beobachtungen von Knochenneubildungen am Implantat in subperichondralen Räumen sowie unter frei in Muskelgewebe implantiertem Periost müssen durch weitere tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen bestätigt werden. In 38 rabbits defects of the bridge of the nose or the nasal septum were reconstructed by means of glass ceramic implants. Over a 15 months follow-up period no inflammatory reaction was observed. The mucoperichondrium remains unchanged over the implant and mucosa defects up to one square centimeter close over it. A bone lamina inserts between the mucoperichondrium and the implant surface near bone structures. New bone formations were found on glass ceramic implants that were placed into the subperichondral space of the rabbits' ears and on those implants that were covered by autologeous periost and situated in the thigh muscles of the animals.