The Orbit and Pulsation Periods of the γ Doradus Variable HR 6844 (V2502 Ophiuchi)

We obtained spectroscopic and photometric observations of the Doradus variable HR 6844 (=V2502 Ophiuchi). Radial velocities show that this star is a single-lined binary with a period of 4.4852 days. The primary is an F1 V star, while the secondary is likely an M dwarf. Velocity residuals to a circular orbit have a period of 1.3071 days andan amplitude of 3kms 1.Three periods of light variation were detected, 1.30702, 1.4350, and 0.62286 days. The ìrst period is essentially identical to that found in the radial velocities and has the largest amplitude, a peak-to-peak value of 0.067 mag in B. The photometric check star, 73 Oph (=HR 6795), has light variations with a period of 0.61439 in B. Although the star is a close visual binary, the light variations are ascribed to the primary, making itmost likely anewly discovered Doradus variable.