Development of the Waldron/Varni Pediatric Pain Coping Inventory

The standardized assessment of pediatric pain coping strategies may substantively contribute to the conceptual understanding of individual differences in pediatric pain perception and report. The Waldron/Varni Pediatric Pain Coping Inventory (PPCI) was developed to be a standardized questionnaire to assess systematically children's pain coping strategies. The PPCI was administered to 187 children and adolescents experiencing musculoskeletal pain associated with rheumatologic diseases. A principal components analysis revealed a five-factor solution for the PPCI: (1) cognitive self-instruction, (2) seek social support, (3) strive to rest and be alone, (4) cognitive refocusing, and (5) problem-solving self-efficacy. The results of this research provide initial evidence that the PPCI is a conceptually valid and internally reliable measure for assessing pediatric pain coping strategies.