The trapping efficiency for stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), of Alsynite plastic traps of a new cylindrical design was evaluated against Williams traps made of the same plastic. The cylindrical traps (30 cm diameter, 30 cm high) and Williams traps with two plastic panels (60 by 30 cm) were equally effective in trapping stable flies; however, the former had a greater trapping efficiency (flies per surface area) because of its lesser surface area. The new trap requires less and thinner (hence cheaper) Alsynite plastic and less adhesive than the Williams trap. It is equal to the Williams trap in trapping house flies, Musca domestica L.; thus there is no disadvantage associated with the unwanted attraction of the house fly. The diameter of the cylindrical trap directly affected the number of stable flies caught. Stable flies landed predominantly on the areas of the trap most protected from the wind.