Photographs of the bands of sulphur dioxide in the region of λ34002600 have been taken under low, medium and high dispersion, both at room temperature and at 200°K; the pressure of the absorbing gas was varied from 0.3 mm to 480 mm. Thirty bands can be represented by the formula ν=29622+770v1+320v2+813v36v212.5v2220v1v225v2v315v1v3, where v1, v2, v3, are the quantum numbers of the symmetrical valence, the deformation and the antisymmetrical vibrations respectively. The three fundamental frequencies for infinitesimal vibrations in the upper electronic state are v1=794, v2=345 and v3=833 cm1. In addition, twelve bands have been identified that correspond to transitions from excited vibrational levels in the normal state. The relatively long v1 and v2 progressions indicate that both the bond distance and the angle have changed considerably in the transition to the excited electronic state. The vibrationless transition at 29622 cm1 is weak, as one would have expected from considerations of the Franck-Condon principle. Substituting the three fundamental frequencies in the formula based on a valence force model, one obtains a value of 100° for the apex angle in the excited state, as compared with 120° in the normal state. The absence of any regularity in the rotational structure supports the resulting conclusion that the molecule in its upper state has become a more asymmetrical top.