Levels of Pu238 were studied in the β decay of Np238 and the α decay of Cm242. Thirteen γ-ray transitions were observed for the first time, and additional information about multipolarities and mixing ratios was obtained. An analysis of the γ-ray branching ratios gives a measure of the E1 transition probabilities between octupolevibrational states and the ground-state band, corresponding to FW=4.3×104 for ΔK=1 transitions and FW=1.5×104 for ΔK=0. The latter transitions are three orders of magnitude faster than those that occur in the isotone U236, for which FW(ΔK=0)=2.2×107, from a direct measurement of the half-life of the 0,1 state. Estimates of the hindrance factors for E1 transitions from octupole states in other heavy nuclei are given, and the validity of the calculations on which they are based is discussed.