Strong-field theory of four-wave mixing

A nonperturbative semiclassical theory is presented for the treatment of four-wave mixing (FWM) in a four-level system. This treatment is based on a transformation to a generalized rotating frame followed by a numerical diagonalization of the resulting time-independent Hamiltonian. For strong fields, all resonant frequencies are shifted from the atomic (molecular) frequencies. Lines are split up in a way similar to the ac Stark effect for a two-level system, and for even stronger fields, the effect of stirring is observed for the first time in four-wave mixing. In addition, a new extra resonance appears which is induced by the saturating field. This field-induced resonance is the new member in the family of extra resonances (pressure induced, or stochastic fluctuation induced), and it should be observed whenever saturating fields interact with a multilevel atomic or molecular system.