Relative Role of Anions and Cations in the Stabilization of Halophilic Malate Dehydrogenase

Halophilic malate dehydrogenase unfolds at low salt, and increasing the salt concentration stabilizes, first, the folded form and then, in some cases, destabilizes it. From inactivation and fluorescence measurements performed on the protein after its incubation in the presence of various salts in a large range of concentrations, the apparent effects of anions and cations were found to superimpose. A large range of ions was examined, including conditions that are in general not of physiological relevance, to explore the physical chemistry driving adaptation to extreme environments. The order of efficiency of cations and anions to maintain the folded form is, for the low-salt transition, Ca2+ ≈ Mg2+ > Li+ ≈ NH4+ ≈ Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+, and SO42- ≈ OAc- ≈ F- > Cl-, and for the high-salt transition, NH4+ ≈ Na+ ≈ K+ ≈ Cs+ > Li+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+, and SO42- ≈ OAc- ≈ F- > Cl- > Br- > I-. If a cation or anion is very stabilizing, the effect of the salt ion of opposite charge is limited. Anions of high charge density are always the most efficient to stabilize the folded form, in accordance with the order found in the Hofmeister series, while cations of high charge density are the most efficient only at the lower salt concentrations and tend to denature the protein at higher salt concentrations. The stabilizing efficiency of cations and anions can be related in a minor way to their effect on the surface tension of the solution, but the interaction of ions with sites only present in the folded protein has also to be taken into account. Unfolding at high salt concentrations corresponds to interactions of anions of low charge density and cations of high charge density with the peptide bond, as found for nonhalophilic proteins.