Efficacy and tolerance of an amphotericm B lipid (Intralipid) emulsion in the treatment of candidaemia in neutropenic patients

The efficacy and tolerance of a new amphotericin B lipid emulsion (AmB-IL) in which amphotericin B was diluted in a lipid solution for parenteral nutrition (Intralipid) was assessed in fourteen episodes of candidaemia occurring in neutropenic patients. The strains isolated were Candida krusei (nine cases), Candida albicans (three cases), Candida parapsilosis (one case) and Candida lusitarnae (one case). An AmB-IL was administered at a mean dosage of 1·18 mg/kg/day (range 0·73–1·55) for 22 days (range 6–62). Flucytosine was added to AmB-IL in 12 patients (mean duration 10·6 days). Chills were noted in only 3/306 infusions of AmB-IL. A mild increase of serum creatinine level from 9·3 ± 3 mg/L (baseline) to 10·9±3 mg/L (after completion of AmB-IL) and mild decrease of creatinine clear ance from 83±28 mL/min to 56±21 mL/min were observed. These changes did not correlate with either daily or total dose of AmB-IL or length of therapy. Seven patients were cured and six improved (patients who subsequently died due to non fungal cause) with AmB-IL. One patient died due to C. krusei pneumonia. In conclusion AmB-IL is a well-tolerated method of arnphotericin B administration. It could facilitate the use of amphotericin B without impairing its efficacy for the treatment of candidaemia in neutropenic patients.