Antitumor activity of living or killed Brucella: Modification of the non-specific cytotoxic effector cells

At various times after injection of living or killed smooth (S) or rough (R) Brucella abortus mice received a graft of the semi-allogenic EL4 lymphoma and their survival was studied. In parallel, the NK activity of spleen and peritoneal cells, the level of serum interferon (IFN), and the cytotoxic activity of peritoneal macrophages were investigated. Protection against the lymphoma lasted longer after injection of R organisms than after S. The parallelism between the in vivo resistance to EL4 lymphoma and the augmentation of NK and macrophage activity was satisfactory with R but not with S. IFN production did not seem to be correlated with R antitumor activity. The antitumor effect of Brucella cannot therefore be simply explained on the basis of modification of the non-specific cytotoxic effector mechanisms.