Air-dried pollen of Tradescantia paludosa and a colchicine doubled Allium ascalonium-fistulosum interspecific hybrid was sown in culture tubes on an inorganic salt-lactose liquid medium containing 0.02% colchicine. After a 16–20 hr incubation at 22 C, pollen tubes were harvested by centrifugation for 3–5 min at 1100–1400 rev/min and fixed with acetic-alcohol (1:3). Feulgen staining was carried out in the culture tubes with fluid changes made after the centrifugation following each step. Single drops of the final pollen-45% acetic acid suspension were flattened under silicone-treated coverglasses which were removed by the quick freeze technique prior to counterstaining with fast green, dehydration, and mounting in Diaphane or Canada balsam. Medium-free, Feulgen-stained, resin-mounted preparations of well-dispersed pollen tubes with arrested metaphases were obtained.