Olive latent ringspot virus, a newly recognised virus infecting olive in Italy

SUMMARY: A manually transmissible virus, for which the name olive latent ringspot virus (OLRV) is proposed, was isolated from a symptomless olive tree. The virus was mechanically transmitted to test plants. Purified preparations of OLRV contained three classes of isometric particle, c. 28 nm in diameter, with sedimentation coefficients of 525 (T), 975 (M) and 1325 (B) and containing 0, 30 and 43% nucleic acid respectively. At equilibrium in CsCl gradients, the buoyant densities of T and M components were 1–29 and 1–43 g/cm3 respectively, whereas B component separated into two sub‐components with buoyant densities of 1–51 g/cm3 (BJ and 1–52 g/cm3 (B2). Particle preparations contained two species of single‐stranded RNA with mol. wt 1–40 times 106 and 2–65 times 106, both necessary for infectivity. The coat protein of OLRV, dissociated under strong denaturing conditions, separated into four components in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Over 75% of the protein was found in a band with mol. wt 57 600, but all four components were recognised as oligomers of a monomeric form with mol. wt 14 300. OLRV was serologically unrelated to 26 different isometric plant viruses including 17 recognised nepoviruses. Its properties strongly indicate that it is a hitherto undescribed member of the nepovirus group.