An investigation has been made of the variation of the nuclear resonance absorption line width with temperature for four long chain aliphatic compounds and eight aromatic hydrocarbons. The aliphatic compounds are dimorphous; in the lower temperature modification it is concluded that the molecules are rigid at the lowest temperatures, but that an increasing number of molecules rotate about their length as the temperature increases; in the upper temperature modification all the molecules rotate. The naphthalene crystal lattice is found to be rigid up to the melting point. Benzene and anthracene, however, show sharp line‐width transitions at about 110° and 190°K, respectively. It is suggested that in benzene this is due to tunnelling or rotation of the molecules about their hexagonal axes. The explanation for anthracene is less clear, but it is suggested that each molecule rotates about its long diad axis. The xylenes, mesitylene, and hexamethylbenzene show internal rotation of the CH3 groups at all temperatures above 95°K. In addition, hexamethylbenzene has a line‐width transition over the range 135–210°K, attributed to tunnelling or rotation of the molecules about their hexagonal axes. A calculation is made of the reduction of the intramolecular contribution to the resonance line second moment caused by rotational oscillation of molecules in a crystal lattice. The effects of certain types of molecular motion on the intermolecular contribution are also calculated.

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