A unique feature of neuronal calcium/calmodulin-stimulated protein kinase II (CaM-PK II) is its autophosphorylation. A number of sites are involved and, depending on the in vitro conditions used, three serine and six threonine residues have been tentatively identified as autophosphorylation sites in the α subunit. These sites fall into three categories. Primary sites are phosphorylated in the presence of calcium and calmodulin, but under limiting conditions of temperature, ATP, Mg2+, or time. Secondary sites are phosphorylated in the presence of calcium and calmodulin under nonlimiting conditions. Autonomous sites are phosphorylated in the absence of calcium and calmodulin after initial phosphorylation of Thr-286. Mechanisms that lead to a decrease in CaM-PK II autophosphorylation include the thermolability of the enzyme and the activity of protein phosphatases. A range of in vitro inhibitors of CaM-PK II autophosphorylation have recently been identified. Autophosphorylation of CaM-PK II leads to a number of consequences in vitro, including generation of autonomous activity and subcellular redistribution, as well as alterations in conformation, activity, calmodulin binding, substrate specificity, and susceptibility to proteolysis. It is established that CaM-PK II is autophos-phorylated in neuronal cells under basal conditions. Depolarization and/or activation of receptors that lead to an increase in intracellular calcium induces a marked rise in the autophosphorylation of CaM-PK IIin situ. The incorporation of phosphate is mainly found on Thr-286, but other sites are also phosphorylated at a slower rate. One consequence of the increase in CaM-PK II autophosphorylationin situ is an increase in the level of autonomous kinase activity. It is proposed that the formation of an autonomous enzyme is only one of the consequences of CaM-PK II autophosphorylationin situ and that some of the other consequences observed in vitro will also be seen. CaM-PK II is involved in the control of neuronal plasticity, including neurotrans mitter release and longterm modulation of postreceptor events. In order to understand the function of CaM-PK II, it will be essential to ascertain more fully the mechanisms of its autophosphorylationin situ, including especially the sites involved, the consequences of this autophosphorylation for the kinase activity, and the relationships between the state of CaM-PK II autophosphorylation and the physiological events within neurons.

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