The homogeneous standard big-bang nucleosynthesis (SBBN) yields of D, He3, He4, and Li7 are computed allowing independent variations of μ1, the chemical potential for electron neutrinos, and μ2, the chemical potential of μ neutrinos (or equivalently of GgR, the product of Newton's constant and the number of effective relativistic degrees of freedom at the epoch of nucleosynthesis). This follows up previous investigations of chemical-potential variations, which however considered only [Li7]/[H]≃109. It is found that even with a primordial Li7 abundance of 1010 the hydrogen abundance ΩBh020.1 is permitted as is ΩBh021; however, the required chemical potential for the νe is μ1T. The required chemical potential for νμ and/or ντ is μ2(525)T (for ΩBh020.1 and 1, respectively), or equivalently (GgR)(few103)(GgR)SBBN. Thus baryonic dark matter may be incorporated into the standard bigbang nucleosynthesis model albeit with dramatic requirements for lepto-genesis and/or the constancy of the gravitational coupling. It is also found that the "lithium dip" tracks the primordial deuterium abundance and thus may not be an independent measure of the parameters of the SBBN model.