Dynamics of Entomophthora muscae (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) Conidial Discharge from Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) Cadavers

Discharge of Entomophthora muscae conidia from cadavers of Musca domestica L. was studied in the laboratory at 20, 50, and 80% RH. Primary conidial discharge began within 5 h postmortem (HPM), reached its highest intensity 10 to 12 HPM, and had essentially ceased by 24 HPM. Secondary conidial discharge began within 3 h after primary conidial discharge (HPD), reached its highest intensity ca. 6 HPD, and had essentially ceased by 12 HPD. Primary conidial discharge intensity was greatest at 50% RH, followed by 80 and 20% RH. Mean time and duration of primary conidial production were shorter at 20% RH than at 50 or 80% RH. Cadaver weight was correlated with primary conidial production. Females produced larger numbers of conidia, but production was the same for males and females when adjusted for weight differences. Of primary conidia discharged onto glass slides, ca. 31% later discharged secondary conidia that adhered to a slide placed 3 mm above. A few tertiary conidia were observed at 80% RH.