The Hyperfine Structure of Lead

The hyperfine structure of several lines of Pb I and Pb II in the violet and ultraviolet regions has been determined. λλ4168, 4062, 4058, 4019, 3739, 3683, 3671, 3639, 3572, 2873, 2833, 2823, 2802 of Pb I, and λλ4386, 4245, 3786, 3016, 2948 of Pb II were found to have structure. λλ2663, 2614, 2613, and 2577 of Pb I were observed and found to be simple. Exposures with uranium-lead showed that all of the above lines are single for Pb206. It was also found from the line patterns that there is a larger abundance of Pb207 than Pb208 in uranium-lead (Belgian Congo). The hyperfine splittings of sP0.13 and pP0,1,23 of Pb207 I were calculated. The center of gravity of the Pb207 terms and the single Pb206 and Pb208 terms for these levels were found to fall in the order of their masses. Much larger isotope displacements were observed for Pb II than for Pb I.

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