Boundary and finite-size effects in small magnetic systems

  • 20 January 2000
We study the effect of free boundaries in finite magnetic systems of cubic shape on the field and temperature dependence of the magnetization within the isotropic model of D-component spin vectors in the limit D \to \infty. This model is described by a closed system of equations and captures the Goldstone-mode effects such as global rotation of the magnetic moment and spin-wave fluctuations. We have obtained an exact relation between the intrinsic (short-range) magnetization M = M(H,T) of the system and the supermagnetization m = m(H,T) which is induced by the field. We have shown, analytically at low temperatures and fields and numerically in a wide range of these parameters, that boundary effects leading to the decrease of M with respect to the bulk value are stronger than the finite-size effects making a positive contribution to M. The inhomogeneities of the magnetization caused by the boundaries are long ranged and extend far into the depth of the system.

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