Open-field behavior of prenatally irradiated and/or postnatally handled C57BL/6 mice

Mice (C57BL/6) were prenatally irradiated with 60Co and/or handled on postnatal Days 1‐10, and subsequently tested in an open field on Days 21, 42, and 63, and in a shuttle box on Days 30 and 60. Another group of mice was treated and tested similarly, but the shuttle box testing was omitted. All animals were cross‐fostered at birth. Handling increased open‐field activity and decreased defecation whereas irradiation decreased activity and had inconsistent effects on defecation. A comparison of the data from both groups of mice indicated that the shuttle box experience decreased open‐field activity, particularly for the irradiated and unhandled animals. Direct and indirect irradiation effects‐revealed by the cross‐fostering procedure‐were both significant and about equal in magnitude, underling the importance of attending to irradiation effects on maternal as well as on offspring behavior.

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