The 5.8S RNA gene sequence and the ribosomal repeat ofSchizosaccharomyces pombe

He have characterized the rRNA gene repeat in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This repeat, which does not contain the 5S RNA gene, is found in a 10.4 kb HindIII DNA fragment. We have determined the nuoleotide sequences of the S. pombe 5.8S RNA gene and intergenic spacers from two different 10.4 kb DNA fragments. Analysis of isolated total cellular 5.8S RNA revealed the presence of eight species of 5.8S RNA, differing in the number of nucleotides at the 5′-end. The eight 5.8S RNA species vary in length from 158 to 165 nuoleotides. Apart from the heterogeneity observed at the 5′-end, the sequence of the eight 5.8S RNA species appears to be identical and is the same sequence as coded for by the 5.8S genes. The gene sequence shows great homology to the 5.8S RNA genes or S. oerevisiae and N. crassa. Most of the base differences are confined to the highly variable stem thought to be involved in co-axial helix stacking with the 25S RNA, where base pairing is nearly identical despite the sequence differences. Secondary structure models are examined in light of 5.8S RNA oligonuoleotide conservation across species from yeasts to higher eukaryotes.