The influence of certain vapors and liquids on the coefficient of friction of molybdenum disulfide has been studied under boundary conditions. The vapors investigated were those of water, butanol, benzene, and heptane. The liquids used were water, glycol, glycerol, dodecanol, dodecylamine, dodecane, hexadecane, ocladecane, white paraffin oil with and without additions of nonanoic acid and nonyl alcohol, and commercial mineral oil. The tests were performed on various friction testing machines, viz., on the LFW-1, LFW-2, Almen-Wieland, and Reichert machines. The test results show that the coefficient of friction of molybdenum disulfide is lowest in absence of the vapors or liquids studied, and under these conditions is independent of load. With increasing polarity of the vapor or liquid the coefficient of friction of molybdenum disulfide increases.