Insertion/deletion mutations in the Zea chloroplast genome

The chloroplast (cp) genomes of Zea species are distinguished by at least four restriction fragment length (insertion/deletion) mutations. All four mutations occur in the large unique sequence region of the genome. Restriction fragments containing three of these mutations were cloned. The large and small forms of two of the mutated fragments were sequenced. This revealed 80 and 83 by insertion/deletions. The inserted/deleted segments are not parts of tandem repeats nor were they flanked by direct repeats. Two other insertion/deletion mutations were not sequenced, but their sizes were estimated to be 150 and 250 by by size fractionation on agarose gels. Use of Tripsacum pilosum and Sorghum bicolor as outgroups suggests that three of the fragment length mutations arose via deletions. The fourth could not be polarized. The three species of section Luxuriantes of Zea were identical to one another for each of the four length mutations, and they were consistantly distinguished from the taxa of section Zea by these mutations. These data support the division of Zea into the above named sections.