Growth of Optical Absorption Bands in Ca-Doped KBr by X-Irradiation

Growth of optical absorption bands by X-irradiation in KBr doped with Ca ++ was studied at dry ice temperature, It was found that the H-N band (Hayes-Nichols band) saturates and the D 3 band continues to grow linearly as the F band grows. It was also found that the sum of the height of the D 3 band and the height of the H-N band multiplied by a factor of 1.4 is proportional to the height of the F band, suggesting that both centers are complementary defects of the F centers. The saturation concentration of H-N center was found to be nearly equal to the number of isolated positive ion vacancies obtained from the results of ionic conductivity measurement. The apparent oscillator strengths of H-N-, D 3 - and V 4 -centers were also estimated.