A study of angiogenesis factors from five different sources using a radioimmunoassay

The use of a radioimmunoassay (RIA) demonstrated that angiogenic factors from human and animal tumours, normal bovine retinas, myocardial infarcts, synovial fluid from patients with joint diseases and wound fluid shared common antigenic determinants. Values for angiogenesis factors expressed as μg Walker tumour TAF/mg protein varied from 0.8 (wound fluid) to 207 (myocardial infarct). Activated macrophages produced an angiogenic factor which did not crossreact. Normal tissue extracts which were non‐angiogenic by the chicken chorioallantoic membrane assay also failed to cross‐react in the RIA. The antigenic similarity of angiogenic factors from such a wide variety of sources suggests that, in order to minimize therapeutic side effects, it would be best to use angiogenic agonists and antagonists locally.