For a quantum system describable in a Markoffian way, via a set of variables a={a1, a2, }, we show that the Langevin noise sources Fμ in the operator equations of motion daμdt=Aμ(a)+Fμ possess second moments Fμ(t)Fν(u)=2Dμν(a, t)δ(tu). The diffusion coefficients Dμν can be determined from a knowledge of the mean equations of motion via the (exact) time-dependent Einstein relation 2Dμν=AμaνaμAν+daμ(t)aν(t)dt, where   represents a reservoir average. The sources Fμ, Fν do not commute with one another, and as a result the commutation rules of the aμ are shown to be preserved in time. The mean motion and diffusion coefficients are calculated for a harmonic oscillator, and for a set of atomic levels. We prove that two dynamically coupled systems (e.g., field and atoms) have uncorrelated Langevin forces if they are coupled to independent reservoirs. Radiation-field-atom coupling adds no new noise sources. We thus obtain simply the maser model including noise sources used in Quantum Noise V. Direct calculations of the mean motion and fluctuations in a system coupled to a reservoir yield relationships in agreement with the Einstein relation. For reservoirs violating time reversal, anomalous frequency shifts are found possible that violate the Ritz combination principle since Δω12+Δω23+Δω31 need not vanish.

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