Interaction of tRNA with tRNA (Guanosine-1)methyltransferase: Binding Specificity Determinants Involve the Dinucleotide G36pG37 and Tertiary Structure

The sequence G37pG36 is present in all tRNA species recognized and methylated by the Escherichia coli modification enzyme tRNA (guanosine-1)methyltransferase. We have examined whether this dinucleotide sequence provides the base specific recognition signal for this enzyme and have assessed the role of the remaining tRNA in recognition. E. coli tRNAHis and yeast tRNAAsp were substituted with G at positions 36 and 37 and were found to be excellent substrates for methylation. This suggested that the general tRNA structure can be specifically bound by the enzyme. In addition, heterologous tRNA species including fully modified tRNA1Leu are excellent inhibitors of tRNA1Leu transcript methylation. Analyses of structural variants of yeast tRNAAsp and E. coli tRNA1Leu demonstrate clearly that the core tertiary structures of tRNA are required for recognition and that G37 must be in the correct position in space relative to important contacts elsewhere in the molecule. This latter conclusion was reached because the addition of one to three stacked base pairs in the anticodon stem of tRNA1Leu dramatically alters activity. In this case, the G37 base is rotated away from the correct position in space relative to other tRNA contact sites. The acceptor stem structure is required for optimal activity since deletion of three or five base pairs is detrimental to activity; however, specific base sequence may not be important because (i) the addition of three stacked base pairs of different sequence had little effect on activity and (ii) heterologous tRNAs with little or no sequence homology in the acceptor stem are excellent substrates. Both poly G and GpG are potent and specific inhibitors of enzyme activity and are minimal substrates which can be methylated, forming m1G. Taken together, these studies suggest that 1MGT can bind the general tRNA structure and that the crucial base-pair contacts are G37 and G36.

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