Infrared and Raman Spectra of Fluorinated Ethanes. V. The Series CF3CF3, CF3CF2Cl, CF3CFCl2, and CF3CCl3

The infrared spectra of CF3CF2Cl, CF3CFCl2, and CF3CCl3 vapors have been obtained in the region from 2 to 38μ, and the spectra of liquid CF3CF2Cl and CF3CFCl2 in the region from 2 to 22μ, with the aid of LiF, NaCl, KBr, and KRS−5 prisms. The Raman spectra of all three compounds in the liquid state, and of gaseous CF3CF2Cl, were studied with a three‐prism glass spectrograph of linear dispersion 15A/mm at 4358A. Depolarization ratios were determined for most of the Raman bands. All fundamental vibration frequencies except the lowest (torsional) have been assigned for each molecule, and the observed spectra have been interpreted in detail.