Amebic Granuloma of the Transverse Colon

AMEBIASIS, which initially and most commonly involves the lower intestinal tract, has been estimated to affect 20 per cent of the population of the United States.1 However, its true incidence is unknown because the disease frequently produces no clinical symptoms.Localization of amebic granuloma of the large bowel is as follows: cecum, 40.9 per cent; rectum and anal canal, 26.5 per cent; transverse colon, 9.5 per cent; sigmoid, 5.2 per cent; ascending colon, 3.1 per cent; hepatic flexure, 2.2 per cent; splenic flexure, 2.2 per cent; and descending colon, 1.7 per cent.2 Case ReportC.M. (C.C.H. 76253), a 34-year-old man, . . .

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