An investigation was carried out to determine whether the sensivity of rat tracheal smooth muscle to contractile and relaxant drugs was affected by three weeks'' treatment with subcutaneous budesonide before death. Budesondie treatment was associated with a lower thymus weight and a smaller gain in body weight thanin control animals. There was, however, no difference in the carbachol concentration-responses to carbachol of tracheal smooth muscle from control and budesonide treated rats. Isometric and isotonic recordings agreed in these respects. Glucocorticoid treatment did not increase the sensitivity of tracheal smooth muscle to relexant drugs terbutaline and enproyfylline; if anything there was a tendency for terbultaline and enprofylline; if anything there was a tendency for terbutaline and enprofylline on airway responsiveness to bronchodilating and bronchocontristing drugs are unlikely to be due to a direct effect on bronchial smooth muscle.