Sexual Differences in the Responses of Captive Great Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) to Variation in Song Structure and Repertoire Size

The function and evolution of repertoires in songbirds is still not clearly understood. This study involves the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus and playback of recorded song to both captive males and females under controlled laboratory conditions. Females were implanted with oestradiol and the copulation solicitation display used as an index of sexual response. Males were not implanted and crest‐raising used as an index of aggressive response. Two types of songs were used (short and long) and two sizes of repertoire (high and low). Females only responded to long songs, and responded significantly more to high than low repertoires. It was concluded that long songs have a sexual function and that high repertoires are the result of intersexual selection through female choice. Males responded to short and long songs, but did not discriminate between high and low repertoires. Adding a live male to the experiment made no difference to female responses but males responded significantly more. When field studies are also taken into consideration the overall conclusion is that song quality and repertoire size is particularly important in female choice, and that short songs and a male presence are more important in aggressive behaviour. Integration of both field and laboratory studies on males and females should lead to more rigorous testing of hypotheses concerning the function and evolution of bird songs.