A new three flavor oscillation solution of the solar neutrino deficit in R-parity violating supersymmetry

We present a solution of the solar neutrino deficit using three flavors of neutrinos within the R-parity non-conserving Supersymmetric Model. It assumes non-zero masses for neutrinos in vacuum with mixing restricted to the nu(mu)-nu(tau) sector only. The flavor changing and flavor diagonal neutral currents present in the model and an energy-dependent resonance-induced nu(e)-nu(mu) mixing in the sun result in the new solution to the solar neutrino problem, satisfactorily explaining the atmospheric neutrino anomaly at the same time. The best fit to the solar neutrino rates and spectrum (1258 day SK data) requires a mass square difference around 10^{-5} eV^2 in vacuum between the two lightest neutrinos. This solution cannot accommodate a significant day-night effect for solar neutrinos.

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