Nuclear Charge Distribution in Fission: Independent Yields ofI132,I133, andI134from Thermal Neutron Fission ofU233

Independent yields of I132, I133, and I134 have been measured from thermal-neutron-induced fission of U233. The yields, each expressed as the ratio of iodine independent yield to iodine cumulative yield, are 0.06±0.03, 0.21±0.03, and 0.370±0.013 for I132, I133, and I134, respectively. Values of Zp estimated from these yields with the assumption that charge distribution can be represented by a Gaussian curve with standard deviation σ of 0.59±0.06 are 51.580.30+0.21, 52.020.12+0.10, and 52.33±0.03 for I132, I133, and I134, respectively. The values of Zp are consistent with those previously reported for other chains in this mass region.