Visual Display Units (VDUs) have been hailed as the first step to the wonderful electronic office of the future. They have also been accused of causing cataracts, deterioration in eye sight and even backache. Are they a blessing—by removing tedious and boring paperwork or are they a hazard to health? There is at present no evidence that they can damage health either by radiation or any other effect on eyesight. However, there can be problems of discomfort and fatigue which although temporary, reduce the well being and the efficiency of the user. This paper examines some of these problems and suggests how they can be avoided by the application of ergonomics to the design, implementation and use of VDUs. All too often VDUs represent the only visible part of a major system development which may be being introduced without due regard to human factors. However, when the ergonomics have been taken seriously, VDUs can actually improve clerical work.

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