Association of the CTLA4 promoter region (−1661G allele) with type 1 diabetes in the South Moroccan population

The contribution of the candidate gene CTLA4 to type 1 diabetes is not well established. Although several polymorphisms have been repeatedly associated to the disease, several studies have not confirmed the association. The joint analysis of three SNPs in the CTLA4 promoter region (−1722, −1661, and −319), one SNP in the first exon (+49), and one dinucleotide repeat in the 3′ untranslated region, in a case–control study in a North African population, shows a strong association of the CTLA4 region with the disease. The −1661G allele showed a significant association with an odds ratio of 2.13. Moreover, the internal structure of the dinucleotide repeat has been deeply analyzed. The present results reveal the importance of polymorphisms in the CTLA4 promoter region, their probable role in gene expression and, ultimately, their relation to the etiology of type 1 diabetes. Previous contradictory association studies might be due to the effect of linkage disequilibrium between the polymorphism analyzed and the alteration within the CTLA4 region. This alteration may be different depending on the genetic background of the population. The present work stresses the need to perform exhaustive analysis of the promoter region polymorphisms in order to detect association with the disease.