Electron-spin-echo experiments on the one-dimensional conductor[(fluoranthene)2]+[(PF6)x(SbF6)1x] (x0.5)

The electron-spin-echo decay function was determined for the conducting phase of [(C16H10)2]+X in the temperature range 183-300 K. The decay function exhibited an exp[(γt)32] dependence, characteristic of one-dimensional spin diffusion. The ratio 5×106DD5×108 for the inner-stack—to—out-of-stack diffusion rates was determined from the characteristic time t0, at which the electron-spin-echo decay function changed to the "conventional" exp(2γτ)) form. The deduced value 2×1013D2×1016 rad/s is consistent with the bulk dc conductivity and with recently determined nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates. The overall assumption of highly mobile electronic spins was confirmed by an Overhauser-type experiment.