In a double-blind study, 12 patients on chronic hemodialysis received daily an average of 1.3 meq/kg body weight of oral sodium citrate for 8 weeks and a placebo solution for 8 weeks. Sodium citrate corrected predialysis metabolic acidosis (plasma pH 7.41 compared to 7.35; serum bicarbonate, 21.1 compared to 17.0 meq/L) and the plasma arterial PCO2 was higher (33.8 compared to 31.2). Postdialysis serum bicarbonate was slightly higher, 22.7 compared to 21.0 but there was no significant difference in arterial pH. Weight gain between dialysis periods was 0.4 kg higher with sodium citrate (2.9 compared to 2.5 kg). There were no significant differences in other routine values, blood pressure, or symptoms during dialysis. Similar results were found in patients on acetate dialysate and in patients on bicarbonate dialysate.