Differents aspects du fer dans l'organisme

Molecules of ferritin are seen to appear in the cytoplasm of reticular cells during the digestion of erythrocytes, around the stroma of the phagocyted cells. This ferritin accumulates in masses into which other substances enter, particularly lipids, which also arise from globular stroma and which appear in a myelin-like form. Ferritin is often disposed in a crystalline form, sometimes alternating with apoferritin in the crystals. Sometimes hemosiderin contains crystals which resemble pure apoferritin. The injection of iron salts gives rise to the appearance of ferritin in reticular cells. Under the conditions of our experiments, most of the injected iron was in the ferritin form after a 3-day delay. A phase intermediate between that of injected iron and that of ferritin was found. In the case of injected iron saccharate it was in the form of fine needles; with injected iron lactate it was in fibrous masses.