The accounting and auditing profession makes extensive use of words to communicate levels of uncertainty in both formal and informal situations ranging from Handbook pronouncements to working papers to everyday communications. Yet the accounting literature does not present research on the level of ambiguity in interpretations of such communications or the factors that could potentially influence this ambiguity.This paper provides an extensive and detailed examination of the ambiguity of interpretations in the communication of uncertainty using a vocabulary familiar to accountants and auditors. Average probability levels were computed from responses to various commonly used words. Further analyses of interpretations were undertaken by comparing different methods of responding to the communications, using a variety of ways of assessing the impact on interpretations and comparing the responses of various subject groups.The studies used various experimental designs in order to provide the internal validity necessary to interpret research results. The external validity was obtained by using common words, reasonably sophisticated subjects, observations at various times and by comparing with the results of experiments in other settings.This paper demonstrates that ambiguity exists and that this ambiguity is reasonably stable for the vocabulary of the accountant. Also ambiguity can be increased by the use of difficult response modes by the interpreter but it cannot easily be reduced.