Three-dimensional oscillation characteristics of electrostatically deformed drops

A three-dimensional asymptotic analysis of the oscillations of electrically charged drops in an external electric field is carried out by means of the multiple-parameter perturbation method. The mathematical framework allows separate treatments of the quiescent deformation due to the electric field and the oscillatory motions caused by other physical factors. Without oscillations, the solution for the quiescent drop shape exhibits a prolate deformation with a slight asymmetry about the drop's equatorial plane. This axisymmetric quiescent deformation of the equilibrium drop shape is shown to modify the oscillation characteristics of axisymmetric as well as asymmetric modes. The expression of the characteristic frequency modification is derived for the oscillation modes, manifesting fine structure in the frequency spectrum so the degeneracy of Rayleigh's normal modes for charged drops is removed in the presence of an electric field. Physical reasoning indicates that the degeneracy of the oscillation modes is associated with the spherical symmetry of the system, so the removal of the degeneracy may be regarded as a consequence of the symmetry breaking caused by the electric field. In addition, the small-amplitude oscillation mode shapes are also modified as a result of the coupling between the oscillatory motions and the electric field as well as the quiescent deformation.