The electrical and mechanical responses of the anterior byssal retractor muscle (ABRM) of M. edulis to acetylcholine (ACh), high [K]o or the removal of external Ca were examined under a variety of conditions. ACh (10-6-10-3 M) produced contracture tensions larger than those produced by high [K]o (30-300 mM) for a given amount of depolarization. In Ca-free solution the rate of decline of ACh-contractures was much smaller than that of K contractures, though both ACh- and K-contractures eventually disappeared. 5-HT [5-hydroxytryptamine] (10-4 M) and procaine (1 mM) markedly reduced the height of ACh-contractures, but had little or no effect on K-contractures. The height of K contractures was markedly decreased by Mn2+ (20 mM) or low pH (4.5), while ACh-contractures remained unaffected. Partial replacement of [Na]o by choline (30-100 mM) reduced both ACh-induced depolarization and contracture tension, whereas K-contractures remained unchanged even after total replacement of [Na]o by choline. ACh could produce little or no tension when applied during the relaxation phase of K-contractures, while high [K]o produced the maximal contracture tension when applied during the relaxation phase of ACh-contractures. Following the removal of external Ca from solutions containing less than 10 mM-Mg, the ABRM showed a marked tension development associated with repetitive electrical activity superimposed on a gradual decline of membrane potential. ACh-contractures seem to be mainly due to release of intracellularly stored Ca, while K-contractures are mainly associated with the inward movement of external Ca.